ISBN: 978-1-922-491-282
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‘In The Society of the Spectacle, Debord made plain that a unified “critique of culture” implied a critique of the social totality. This was his practico-theoretical method throughout his career as a revolutionary: he saw no distinction between cultural work and political work.’—Bruce Russell
“I read [The Society of the Spectacle] again and I thought, “This is a fucking amazing book!” I had forgotten how terrific it was, and it was actually quite different to how I remembered it. I insist that the key chapter is not the first one, on the spectacle itself, but the second to last – the chapter on détournement. To me, that concept is the great gift of the Situationists. [They] realized that one can exploit this critically – one can copy and correct in the direction of hope.’—McKenzie Wark
‘The Society of the Spectacle [is] about not just the clamor of images but also the silence of power, a silence which, since the seventies, has become deafening.’—Los Angeles Review of Books